AWI memories

Following a couple of comments (see, I do listen) here is a nice picture taken at salute in 2002 of my AWI highlanders. These were part of my Battle of Camden demo game that won the Bill Brewer Prize at the show that year. I haven't added to the AWI collection for a few years now, but once the Caesarians and Crusaders are done it might be time to revisit them, I do have some Jagers and the 55th foot finished but needing bases completing along with several hundred unpainted figures in the garage (actually i think it is 400-500)

I don't know if I'll get quite the same standard though, the highlanders here were painted late on in a 14 month frenzy of AWI painting in which I completed over 700 figures (the days before kids) including conversions. Even the tartan hatbands have highlighting! Boy I must have been keen :-).

More crusaders on the way from Gripping Beast and a couple of the first batch are approaching completion. Might post some pics tonight. Right, must get some real work done...


  1. Steve,

    Thank you! Great painting.

    Have you seen Giles Alison's blog , mainly on the AWI?



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